Christ's Lutheran Church in 1982

Pastor Lauri Johann Anderson, D.D., conducting services as an interim pastor during the first half of the year, had greatly restored the congregation, both in membership and in healthy finances.

The committee to call a new official pastor reported at the annual congregational meeting on January 23(1) that the synod sent no names or résumés of candidates, and that

Unless otherwise indicated in a footnote, excerpts from church records or from The Scroll are cited in Anderson, Mark J., For All the Saints: Christ's Lutheran Church, Woodstock, New York, 1806-2006 [Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2006], Chapter 9. (Close)
none of the candidates who have been sent the package of information has been willing to pursue further discussion with us.… [We] have been told that the main stumbling block to securing a candidate for us to interview is the size of the financial package we have been able to offer.

The following are more excerpts from the January 23 congregational meeting:

Seedling Day Care Center. Since March 1, 1977, the Seedling Day Care Center has occupied the parsonage.… They vacated these premises on January 15, 1982 and are presently located in Saugerties.…

Property. … The congregation has been most liberal in providing its facilities for the use of community groups. Included in these were; The Christian Day Nursery, Seedling, Family of Woodstock, Cub Scouts, Madrigal Society, Euriskon, A.A., and several others.…

Personals. It is proper to include in this summary the fact that the congregation elected Erwin Holumzer as "Member of the Year."

We would like to commend the work of our paid staff members, including our organist, choir director, and custodian, who continue to serve beyond the demands of duty.

It is also noted that Pastor Strachan accepted a call to the congregation in the summer of 1979, and saw fit to resign the pastorate as of July, 1981. In the meantime, Pastor Anderson supplied during the previous pastor's vacation in July, and was appointed Vice Pastor beginning August 1, 1981. We hope that this experience is as happy to the congregation as it is to the Vice Pastor.

Grace and Peace from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lauri J. Anderson, Vice Pastor

Lydia Russell passed away in February at the age of 103.

The following is from the Church Council Minutes for February 16:

Bishop Graefe may have a potential candidate for pastor [a Ken Jetto from Poughkeepsie].
[ Florence Peper ] And from March 9:
Florence Peper [pictured here] retired from preparing communion trays. [She was 90 years old.] Carol Petterson and Eleanor Anderson have volunteered to prepare the communion trays.
And from April 20:
Nancy Pape is organizing the Confirmation coffee get-together.…

The following is a list of repairs to be made [to the parsonage] before the new pastor moves in: paint interior, tiles in bathroom, replace kitchen floor, sand flooring, replace door to study, put in drywall, miscellaneous. Garet Church also made a motion to install [an] oil-fired hot water heater in the parsonage, second by Ron Pape.…

Received a thank you letter from Seedling.…

And from June 6:
Pastor Anderson recommended a record be made in the minutes of the new members received at the service on June 6, 1982:…
Robert Callahan--Received by Adult Confirmation
Barbara Callahan…
Bente Harmon was received by attestation of baptism in order to receive first communion.…

Pastor suggested that when the parsonage work is finished we have a Re-Dedication Service, mentioning all the people who have worked on it and/or made monetary contributions. [The rededication happened on Sunday, June 27.]

On June 11, Kenneth Jetto, fresh from seminary, was ordained at Trinity Lutheran Church in Staten Island, at the Metropolitan New York Synod convention. He was installed as the regular pastor on July 6. According to church historian Mark Anderson,

Church historian Mark Anderson has remarked that Pastor Jetto is an excellent liturgist. As well as his fine voice, he has an intuitive as well as a schooled grasp of liturgy.

The congregation purchased new hymnals.

There was a large and active Sunday School and a children's choir.

The following letter, dated June 25, is among the unbound congregational records:

Dear Friends,

Ever since I started working with WHITE ELEPHANTS at our annual fair, I can recall receiving inquiries about the large cupboard in the far corner of the shed--whether or not it was for sale.

This year a woman approached me and very quietly asked whether we realized what a "treasure" we had in this old piece and suggested it was worth at least $300 to $400 ($621 to $828 in 2006 dollars).…

I felt Council would be interested in this and pass it along only as a point of information.

Elsie Conroy

The Woodstock Region in 1982

This is a placeholder for information on our region during this year. The information will come soon. The footnote at the end of this sentence is also a placeholder; please don't click it.(2)

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The United States in 1982

[ Ronald Reagan ]

Ronald Reagan (Republican) was President. The 97th Congress was in session. (The midterm elections that year would elect the 98th Congress.) A dollar in that year would be worth $2.07 in 2006 for most consumable products.

This is a placeholder for information on the United States during this year. The information will come soon. The footnote at the end of this sentence is also a placeholder; please don't click it.(3)

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The World at Large in 1982

The U.S. Reagan-Bush administration removed Iraq, ruled by dictator Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti, 45, from the official list of state sponsors of terrorism.

This is a placeholder for information on the world at large during this year. The information will come soon. The footnote at the end of this sentence is also a placeholder; please don't click it.(4)

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