Christ's Lutheran Church in 1987

Pastor Kenneth Jetto, conducting services. According to church historian Mark Anderson, Pastor Jetto is an excellent liturgist. As well as his fine voice, he has an intuitive as well as a schooled grasp of liturgy.

The proposed budget for the year was $54,504.00 ($93,201.84 in 2006 dollars).

Beginning this year, communion was celebrated each Sunday at the regular service. Prior to this, communion had been celebrated each week only at the early service, a practice that had been started a decade earlier. Pastor Jetto discontinued the early services, so communion was then celebrated at the regular service.

An addition was built on the parsonage.

The Woodstock Region in 1987

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The United States in 1987

[ Ronald Reagan ]

Ronald Reagan (Republican) was President. The newly elected 100th Congress was in session. A dollar in that year would be worth $1.71 in 2006 for most consumable products.

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The World at Large in 1987

U.S. warships helped destroy Iranian oil platforms in the Persian Gulf and break the Iranian blockade of the shipping lanes of Iraq, controlled by dictator Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti, 50, thereby tipping the war advantage to Iraq.

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