Orders: Fall 1901

A major skirmish right around Greece, and a minor one in the baltic sea made this move relatively interesting.


Results (Adjustment)

Austria: Builds Army Trieste.
England: Builds Fleet Edinburgh.
England: Builds Army London.
France: Builds Army Brest.
Germany: Builds Fleet Berlin.
Germany: Builds Army Munich.
Italy: Builds Fleet Naples.
Russia: Builds Army St. Petersburg.
Turkey: Builds Army Constantinople.

Results (Movement)

General Notices:
   No retreating units; retreat phase skipped. Order resolution 
   completed on 10-May-2005 at 07:43:19 EDT
Order Results:
Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.
Austria: Fleet Albania -> Greece.
   Bounced with Bulgaria (1 against 1). 
Austria: Army Budapest Supports Russia Fleet Rumania.
Austria: Army Serbia -> Bulgaria.
   Bounced with Armenia (1 against 1). 
Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 2.
England: Army Edinburgh -> Belgium.
   Convoy path taken: Edinburgh -> North Sea -> Belgium. 
England: Fleet North Sea Convoys Army Edinburgh -> Belgium.
England: Fleet Norwegian Sea -> Norway.
Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.
France: Fleet Mid-Atlantic Ocean -> Portugal.
France: Army Picardy Supports England Army Edinburgh -> Belgium.
France: Army Spain -> Marseilles.
Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 2.
Germany: Fleet Denmark -> Baltic Sea.
   Bounced with Gulf of Bothnia (1 against 1). 
Germany: Army Kiel -> Denmark.
   Failed because "Germany: Fleet Denmark -> Baltic Sea" failed.
Germany: Army Ruhr -> Holland.
Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.
Italy: Fleet Ionian Sea -> Tunis.Italy: Army Piedmont Holds.
Italy: Army Venice -> Tyrolia.
Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.
Russia: Fleet Gulf of Bothnia -> Baltic Sea.
   Bounced with Denmark (1 against 1). 
Russia: Fleet Rumania Supports Turkey Army Bulgaria.
   Support failed. Move orders must be supported explicitly.
Russia: Army Sevastopol Supports Fleet Rumania.
Russia: Army Ukraine Supports Army Sevastopol.
Supply centers were gained. Units that may be built: 1.
Turkey: Army Armenia -> Bulgaria.
   Bounced with Serbia (1 against 1).
   Convoy path taken: Armenia -> Black Sea -> Bulgaria. 
Turkey: Fleet Black Sea Convoys Army Armenia -> Bulgaria.
Turkey: Army Bulgaria -> Greece.
   Bounced with Albania (1 against 1).
